Saturday, December 28, 2019

Equites, the Roman Knights

Equites were Roman horsemen or knights. The name is derived from the Latin for the horse, equus. The equites came to be a social class and a single member of the equestrian class was called an eques. Originally, there were supposed to have been 300 equites during the time of Romulus. 100 were taken from each of the three tribes Ramnes, Tities, and Luceres. Each of these patrician hundreds was a century (centuria) and each century was named for its tribe. They were called celeres. Under Tullus Hostilius there were six centuries. By the time of Servius Tullius, there were 18 centuries, the last twelve drawn from the richest, but not necessarily patrician, men. The Equites and the Roman Army The equites were originally an important division of the Roman army, but over time, they lost their military prominence moving to the wings of the phalanx. They still voted first in the comitia and kept two horses and a groom each—more than any others in the army. When the Roman army started to receive pay, the equites received three times that of the ordinary troops. After Punic War II the equites lost their military position. Roman Politics An eques was bound to a certain number of campaigns, but no more than ten. Upon completion, they entered the first class. Later Equites had the right to sit on juries and came to occupy an important third place in Roman policies and politics, standing between the senatorial class and the people. Disgrace and Dismissal When an eques was deemed unworthy, he was told to sell his horse (vende equum). When no disgrace was involved, someone no longer fit would be told to lead his horse on. There was a waiting list to replace the dismissed eques.

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Frightening Trauma Of Schizophrenia - 1288 Words

The Terrifying Trauma of Schizophrenia Elyn Saks, expert in mental illness, once said, â€Å"The schizophrenic mind is not much split as shattered. I like to say schizophrenia is like a walking nightmare† (Saks). Being affected by schizophrenia is not just a walk in the park; it damages and then destroys the victim’s ability to think. One can define schizophrenia as an illness that affects and damages a human’s brain. Schizophrenia affects victims in many different ways: mentally, physically, and socially. When humans become diagnosed with schizophrenia, it first affects them mentally. Humans affected by schizophrenia see visions that can become terrifying to them. In an article written by Teeple, Caplan, and Stern it states,†¦show more content†¦Sometimes I feel thoughts are being put in my head and that people are reading my thoughts† (â€Å"What is Schizophrenia?†). When hearing all these voices and seeing these visions, sometimes these v ictims tend to become overwhelmed and stressed. Their nightmare turns into a reality overtime when these sufferers decide to finally open their eyes back up from this horrifying illness taking over their brain. This disease is extremely real; everything happening to these patients damages them greatly. Because schizophrenic people see visions and hear voices that make them feel in-prisoned in their own mind, it affects how they live their every day life. Another way this disease affects humans involves physical damage. When people have this horrible illness, they can become mad and very dangerous by getting physical with other humans. In the article â€Å"Violence and Schizophrenia: Examining the Evidence† it states people with schizophrenia have a higher risk of being violent with others. It is also less acknowledged that an amount of patients with schizophrenia do not show any violence at all or just a small amount. (â€Å"Violence and schizophrenia: examining the evidenc e†). Humans with schizophrenia can become violent when these voices and visions tell them to. They tend toShow MoreRelatedDissociative Identity Disorder And Schizophrenia893 Words   |  4 Pagesdisorders such as dissociative identity disorder and schizophrenia are the same. Today’s society often see all mental disorders as one, however, they are very much different. If one was to say someone with multiple personalities is the same as someone who has hallucinations and/or has delusions, they are incorrect, which is why in specific cases such as schizophrenia, the legal term â€Å"not guilty due to mental disorder† should be valid. Schizophrenia, unlike most disorders, is a standout amongst theRead MoreMental Illness And Mental Health Essay936 Words   |  4 Pagesyou have experienced such as abuse or trauma. Having a healthy mind is just as important as having a healthy body. Conversely, just like how you can get a disease physically, you can get one mentally. This is known as mental illness. Mental illness, is a range of illnesses that affects your psychological and emotional well-being. When our minds are affected by a mental illness, usually all parts of the body are affected. It can be given through genetics or trauma/abuse in your lifetime. Some signsRead MoreEssay about Schizophrenia726 Words   |  3 PagesSchizophrenia It is a frightening disorder that strikes about one percent of the world population. It surfaces most frequently during puberty and has the potential to forever destroy the lives of the people who are unfortunate enough to be its victim. The disorder is schizophrenia and it manifests itself by disturbing normal psychiatric behavior. The symptoms of schizophrenia are characterized by both positive and negative symptoms. Positive symptoms include hallucinations, delusions, and otherRead MoreCall Me Crazy : A Five Film1517 Words   |  7 Pages and schizophrenia. Each one of these disorders can cause anywhere from mild distress to those that impair a person’s ability to function in normal day-to-day life. In the movie â€Å"Call Me Crazy: A Five Film†, it looks at how each individual copes with mental illness and succeeding in everyday situations. By comparing similarities in the film with the differences about mental illness in ordinary life we can understand how the mov ie at times exaggerated mental disorders. First, schizophrenia is aRead MoreSchizophrenia - Informative Speech1514 Words   |  7 PagesSchizophrenia Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about schizophrenia and its consequences. Central Idea: Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder that affects millions of people and it should not be underestimated or ignored. Introduction I. Does anyone have a friend who hears voices that nobody else hears, sees things that nobody else sees or believes that people are controlling his mind and trying to plot against him? A. Well, I do. B. I have a closeRead MoreThe Quiet Room2238 Words   |  9 PagesThe Quiet Room: Lori’s Battle and Struggle with Schizophrenia Final paper Alison Rodgers Author Note This paper was prepared for Pyschology 440 (Abnormal Pych), taught by Dr. Siefert Lori Schiller’s story of her struggles battling mental illness is frightening yet inspiring. Lori’s childhood was incredibly normal if not better than the norm. She grew up in a very affluent, wealthy family that were also very loving and supportingRead MoreDissociative Identity Disorder ( Dissociative Disorder )1194 Words   |  5 PagesUS cases per year. Currently, there is no known cure, but treatment can sometimes help. Many believe that DID can be caused by a significant trauma and is used as a coping mechanism to help avoid bad memories. The disorders most often form in kids victim to long-term physical, sexual or emotional abuse or, sometimes just a home environment that s frightening or highly unpredictable.  The stress of war or natural disasters close by also can bring on dissociative disorders. Dissociative identity disorderRead MoreThe Effects Of Ptsd On The Body1112 Words   |  5 Pagesof the circumstances surrounds the initial formation of the wound. Not all injuries are physical. Some are emotional, and they can also be mental. The effects of the trauma can be on the body or the mind. It all leaves a reminder as to what happened and how you felt when it happened. These physical or psychological/physical traumas can cause stress however with work and time will be able to overcome the damage of the injury. PTSD is a severe form of anxiety that affects a person so deeply that theyRead MoreEssay on The Mysterious Illness Schizophrenia1676 Words   |  7 PagesThe Mysterious Illness Schizophrenia Imagine being functional your entire childhood and teenage life. You attend class, study, work, and juggle a myriad of activities. You may have friends with whom you socialize in your free time. You are becoming more independent and learning to care for yourself. Suppose the newscaster on television starts talking directly to you or that someone calling with the wrong number is really a government spy or that you were going out to lunch with the presidentRead MoreDissociative Identity Disorder and Abuse Essay1059 Words   |  5 Pagesearly childhood seduction experiences were responsible for 18 female cases of hysteria, a condition closely associated with dissociative disorders (Putnam 56). In a famous case of hysteria, Anna O, who suffered from dual personality, the initial trauma was the death of Anna Os father. It was not until the publication of Sybil in 1973 that childhood physical and sexual abuse became widely recognized as precipitants of dissociative identity disorder(Schreiber 43). Since 1973 numerous investigators

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Mental Health Essay Example For Students

Mental Health Essay 1. Healthy Relationships- Being in an abusive relationship can be very hard on a person. Being in a healthy relationship can be rewarding and fun. In a healthy relationship you must have many things, trust is one, dont be jealous and share your feelings. It involves fair fighting, no hitting, pushing or grabbing, arguments should focus on hear and now. Things of an abusive relationship are, like physically abused, being slammed in to things, or being forced to stay, when you want to leave, and wrecking or destroying personal property. Emotional abuse is also used in unhealthy relationships. Telling you no one else will want you dont care for your feelings. If you want your relationship to be healthy always include I messages. Effective communication and always confront him or her when something is wrong. 2. They sometimes carry on conversations or are told to do things by one or may voices that are not there. Very rarely, but still as devastating, some experience visual hallucinations or smell odd smells coming from themselves. (Young, 67-68) More that 300,000 adults in this country are unable to distinguish their imaginations from reality In the 1700s and the 1800s, before much was known about mental diseases, schizophrenia was thought of as witchcraft (Nichols pg. 1). Anyone who displayed signs of this disease was thought to have been possessed. The Puritans believed distraction, as they called it, was either possession by the devil, or punishment for sins. Yet, the strange behavior of those afflicted was looked upon with tolerance. Through much of the 1700s, family or friends were expected to take care of the mentally ill. Dorothea Dix was a school teacher who took up the cause of the mentally ill in the mid 1800s, found disturbed individuals living in sordid conditions, confined in cages, closets, cellars, stalls and pens: chained, naked, beaten with rods and lashed into obedience. She worked to help these people live a more normal life. (Goode A dismal outlook for schizophrenia was dramatically changed in the 1950s with the development of the first antipsychotic drug, Chlorpromazine. Since then, more that a dozen other similar-acting antipsychotic medications have been developed. These drugs work by blocking binding sites of dopamine, which is a main factor in schizophrenia. Chlorpromazine was first used as an antihistamine. Then, it was found to calm hyperactive schizophrenic patients out of withdrawal and reduced major symptoms of the disease. A lot of false medication was used before the discovery of chlorpromazine. An insulin coma, as one example, was used to relieve most symptoms by overloading the patients body with insulin. This helped some patients, because it calmed them down, but killed most of them. Electroconvulsive therapy, where brief pulses of electronegativity are passed through the brain, was also used. It was thought that using this type of treatment, symptoms could be reduced or eliminated, but it did neither. This only helped the severely depressed and only calmed them for a little while. Doctors also attempted a frontal lobotomy, which was a surgical removal of the front parts of the brain. A frontal lobotomy was done because it was thought that the front part of the brain was responsible for schizophrenia. This did nothing but make a quieter patient. These practices were commonly used to try to suppress the main symptoms of schizophrenia. Mainly, these practices did nothing but torture the patient and make him or her suffer extremely. (Young 67-68) Many schizophrenics will carry on conversations with voices or people who are not really there. The voices may tell them what to do and how to harm themselves or others. This puts the patient at a huge risk for committing suicide. The medication that is prescribed to them attempts to stop the voices or other symptoms. JITTERS COFFE RESTAURANT Essay In turn, most schizophrenics would experience severely painful side effects. These side effects included constipation, drowsiness, dry mouth and blurred vision, which would most like diminish after a few weeks. Other side effects that is less likely to diminish included restlessness, slurred speech, trembling .

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Rabbit Care free essay sample

The following articles can help you understand why your rabbits do the things they do, and ways to train them to do some of the things you want them to do: Related Articles Feeding Pet  Rabbits Fiber is vital to the normal function of the digestive system in rabbits. Fresh grass hay and vegetables should make up the bulk of the diet for house rabbits. Feeding a diet consisting mainly of pellets may result in obesity and increase the likelihood of digestive problems. While there is some fiber in pellets, it is finely ground and does not appear to stimulate intestinal function as well as fiber found in grass hays.Roughage also aids in the prevention of hair balls. The addition of some pellets does add some balance to the diet, however. Anything other than hay, vegetables, and pellets is considered a treat and should be feed in strict moderation. The digestive system of a rabbit is very susceptible to serious upsets if the diet is inappropriate. We will write a custom essay sample on Rabbit Care or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The amount of pellets should be restricted, especially in overweight rabbits, but any reduction in pellets should be made up with a variety of fresh vegetables and unlimited access to hay. Hay Hay (grass hays such as timothy or oat hay) should be available at all times.Some rabbits may not take much hay at first. Adding fresh hay a couple of times a day may help, and as the amount of pellets is reduced the rabbit will likely become hungry enough to eat the hay. The House Rabbit Society recommends starting baby bunnies on alfalfa hay and introducing grass hays by 6-7 months, gradually decreasing the alfalfa until the rabbit is solely on grass hays by 1 year. Alfalfa hay is higher in calcium and protein and lower fiber than the grass hays, although many owners find their rabbits prefer alfalfa hays.If your adult rabbit is used to alfalfa hay, try mixing alfalfa with a grass hay to start and gradually reduce the amount of alfalfa. Vegetables Vegetable should make up a large portion of the diet. Depending on the size of the rabbit, 2-4 cups of fresh veggies should be given per day. A variety must be fed daily to ensure a balanced diet. If a rabbit is used to eating mainly pellets, the change must be made gradually to allow the rabbits digestive system time to adjust. Only add one new vegetable to the diet at a time so if the rabbit has diarrhea or other problems it will be possible to tell which vegetable is the culprit. Suggested vegetable include carrots, carrot tops, parsley, broccoli, collard greens, mustard greens, dandelion greens, turnip greens, endive, romaine lettuce, kale and spinach. However, kale, spinach and mustard greens are high in oxalates so their feeding should be limited to 3 meals per week. Beans, cauliflower, cabbage, and potatoes may cause problems and should be avoided. Iceberg lettuce has almost no nutritional value so should be avoided. Rhubarb should also be avoided (toxicity). Wash vegetables well, and only feed dandelions that are known to be pesticide free (try a health food store for organically grown dandelion greens).Vegetables should be introduced to bunnies around 12 weeks of age, in small quantities and one at a time. As more vegetable are added watch for diarrhea and discontinue the most recently added vegetable if this occurs. Over time, the amount of vegetables fed is increased, and the amount of pellets decreased, so that by 1 year of age the adult feeding recommendations are followed. Pellets Pellets are basically designed for commercial rabbit production, and are quite high in calories. As a result, house rabbits fed unlimited pellets may end up with obesity and related health problems, as well as an excess of other nutrients.